Monday, March 2, 2009

Racism in all the wrong places...

So on another random outing with my ace, Leannie, we decided to stop into a caucasian-heavy local Marshalls to kill some time. Whilst strolling the aisles, we came across decorative shelf bookends in alphabetical shapes. After debating whether or not I presently need the "K" bookends, we spotted this, for lack of a better term, "arrangement" of letters:


Coincidence?? Intentional? I'll let you be the judge!


Anonymous said...

I personally think it was done deliberately… as you may have notice we were the only people of color in the store. Well except for a couple gay black dudes… But they don’t count. I know no real black man that likes in the ass!!!!! LOL!!!!

Lady L

kimmysan said...

lmao...You're a mess!! That's why we're such great

...but gay and straight black men could still get offended by the "MASSA"...