Football. Sigh. Cue chirping birds and fireworks.
Pre-Season game starts tonight between:


Let's just say I don't like, THEM. My bf on the other hand, believes whole-heartedly that he was born and raised in Irvine, Texas (when he really hails fromEl Portal Miami) needless to say, he's going for them.
This should be an interesting game given that Terrell Owens will be facing his former team. And most importantly, we'll be seeing first-hand how long thetandem reality-tv "stars" fame-whores receivers T.O. & Ochocinco will be able to co-exist in kumbya harmony. How long will it be before one starts crabbing about how the other is getting more touches, or swagger-jacking all the TD dances, or has more groupie hoes on stake out near the locker room?
Pre-Season game starts tonight between:
Let's just say I don't like, THEM. My bf on the other hand, believes whole-heartedly that he was born and raised in Irvine, Texas (when he really hails from
This should be an interesting game given that Terrell Owens will be facing his former team. And most importantly, we'll be seeing first-hand how long the
Well, long last it's here. Baseball fans, you can't possibly understand. Basketball fans, it doesn't compare. Those six months are loooooooong, and unbearable. But Persephone has gone back to the underworld, and while her mama Demeter is boo-hooing, Hades and the rest of us are rejoicing!!
Fall is (practically) here, and football season is back!! <3
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