Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quadruple by-pass burger, anyone???

There's a fat person inside all of us, but does your inner fat person know when, "Dammit I need to stop?!?!"

Now I've been tempted by some pretty tasty burgers in my day....and granted, I really enjoy eating Publix cupcakes, and Wing Stop french fries, and Cool Ranch Doritos, and sweet & sour chicken/fried rice combo... (mmmmm, excuse me whilst wipe the drool from my chin) just as much as the next overweight gal or guy, but know not to eat ALL that in one setting...and I certainly don't like to temp fate like this:

Makes me want to run to the nearest toilet bowl, just to throw up my morning bowl of Cheerios, and jog around the block a couple of times, and pull out the Billy Blanks to make sure my arteries don't start clogging. Maybe that's just me??


Unknown said...

Waah, the video won't play...

kimmysan said...


Unknown said...

It can't be sanitary for that chick to have her a$$ up on the counter like that!

Lawd, everything in lard?!

Unknown said...

It should be illegal to use that much lard! I'm not the most conscious eater but that is just disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie... I would try a single by-pass if I ever came across this place...