Cheesy, I know...*I hang my head in shame*
But for real, my reason for wanting my own blog, yet procrastinating about it, all stems from my love (read: green-eyed envy) of other people's it "blog-envy" or "blogenvy" <----add that funky looking word to your book, Webster! Seriously, I really admire the wittiness and witticisms of the blogs that I've been privy to know. My recent mania all started with, the blog of Melissa Howard from the Real World New Orleans and her post-fame life. This heffa is funny!! Funny like, "Heffa, do you wanna be my friend, and let's roll out crackin' on everybody and they mama because you and I go together like chitlins & grits?!?", kinda funny. (I don't know what the fuck that all means, just roll with it ppl)...anyhow, trust me she's funny. I seriously read her shit from top to bottom (or bottom to top going chronologically from the beginning) over the course of two weeks, during the times when work didn't get in the way of my life....*gosh I miss cubicle jobs for the computer/time-stealing-from-DA MAN-fuckery, that once, just about resulted in my dismissal...oh the shame*...but I digress...I love her blog!
Another, comes from my very own online buddy JzyPhat...I'll forever reference her as such, because that's the name that I first knew her as...anyhow, this bitch here, scraaaaaaaaaaaight be spewing off at the mouf!! Hell no need for ab-crunches, the "belly holding, side-aching, I wanna slap this heffa for making me laugh at some shit, that'll send me to hell, to sit on the right side of Lucifer", laughing will have my gut looking like Janet's, pre-Dupri! She just recently got her blog off and poppin' but I'm digging it like the cheese up my ass...yessir! Check her out at
So those two, along with so many others have made me want to join this "not-so-exclusive-but-I'll-say-it's-exclusive-so-I can-sound-like-VIPs" club of bloggers. Yet, I do so hesitantly because I have inadequacy issues when it comes to my writing, because I never think it's as funny or as witty or as intelligent as everyone else's whose writing I admire. I always feel like I'm the new mommy who knows her baby kinda ugly, and keeps making excuses not to attend the play dates with all the other pretty babies. I just know I'll get the sympathetic stares, and the empty reassuring words about how beautiful he is. But as soon as I leave the joint, they'll all get together, and say like Shug Avery, "Dat baby sho' iiiiiis uuuuuuuuuglaaaay!" *tears-silent-tears*
But anyhoo, I wanna share my baby with the world, flaws and all!! So sue me! (Please don't, I ain't got no money)
Anyhow, here are a list of some of the "pretty babies" that keep me inspired to think that one day my little Quasimodo can grow up to be Jay-Z (y'know, how Joe Camel was able to pull that magic trick, getting people to believe he's the flyest thing since Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka): (My girl Daisha bringing you some crazy shit from Japan, check her out!)
Perez Hilton and his foolishness
...there's so much more, but I can't be hyping up the winners in this race in which I'm currently in last place...I'm just a turtle tryna catch up!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Gonna Have to Face It...I'm Addicted to Blogs...
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10:44 AM
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Awwww, Kimmy! You gave ya Jzy a shout out!
'Preciate it like Queen Latifah appreciates a backstage pass at the Pussycat Dolls show!
Oh! And ya baby ain't ugly...yet. You know babies don't get CUTE or OOGLAY til they are like 4 or 5 months. So you got till August to whip this lil' bastard into shape...or I'll be CLOWNIN!
Hahahaa! Just kidding, Ms. Welcome Who AIN'T a Doormat! (<--LOVE IT!)
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