Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Procrastination mixed with Hesitation is the work of the Devil!!

Yeah so I've slacked I'm appologizing to my dozen (okay more like donut holes) readers out there...y'all know who you are!

I just be overthinking this blog-shit sometimes, and I don't know if I really wanna write what I'm thinking because I have a hard time making things short and sweet. And I'm only a bit of a perfectionist when I write, and I read, and re-read, and edit and re-edit, until it's the perfect part witty and smart. (<---I'm sure I'll re-read and edit what I just wrote in a few hours anyway). So needless to say I haven't posted diddly-squat. So, I'm jumping back on that Rodeo-Pro (man I wish I had one for real!!) and I'mma get to typing out some mo' fun reads for ya!! Gomenasai!!! (Japanese-speak for "I'm sorry!")